home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "program globals.h"
- #include "prefs.h"
- #include "help.h"
- #include "dialogs.h"
- #include "environment.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "window layer.h"
- #include "Folders.h"
- #define PREFS_FILE_NAME "\pBrailler prefs"
- #define PREFS_TYPE 'pref'
- // CREATOR is #defined in "program globals.h"
- Str255 gMyName;
- Str255 gMyOrg;
- typedef struct
- {
- long fileID;
- short maintopic;
- short subtopic;
- char regname[40];
- char regorg[40];
- short grade;
- } PrefStruct;
- /* internal globals for use in prefs.c only */
- static long gFileID;
- static Boolean gCanSavePrefs;
- static PrefStruct thePrefs;
- static long gPrefsFilePos;
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* internal stuff for prefs.c */
- enum PrefErrorTypes OpenPrefsFile(short *prefsFileID);
- enum PrefErrorTypes SetupNewPrefsFile(short prefsFileID);
- void ClosePrefsFile(short prefsFileID);
- enum PrefErrorTypes GetNextPrefs(short prefsFileID);
- enum PrefErrorTypes SavePrefs(short prefsFileID);
- enum PrefErrorTypes CheckVersion(short prefsFileID);
- enum PrefErrorTypes GetFileID(void);
- enum PrefErrorTypes CheckFileID(void);
- enum PrefErrorTypes Virgin(short prefsFileID);
- void DefaultPrefs(void);
- void CopyGlobalsToPrefs(void);
- void CopyPrefsToGlobals(void);
- void GetRegistration(void);
- void SaveThePrefs(void)
- /* standard procedure callable from anywhere to save prefs to disk (if possible) */
- {
- short prefsFileID;
- if (gCanSavePrefs) /* if we had no errors in PreferencesInit() */
- {
- OpenPrefsFile(&prefsFileID); /* open the prefs file */
- CopyGlobalsToPrefs(); /* copy global variables to prefs struct */
- SavePrefs(prefsFileID); /* save prefs to disk */
- ClosePrefsFile(prefsFileID); /* close prefs file */
- }
- }
- enum PrefErrorTypes PreferencesInit(void)
- {
- short prefsFileID;
- enum PrefErrorTypes err;
- gCanSavePrefs=FALSE; /* assume the worst and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised */
- err=GetFileID(); /* get application file ID */
- if (err!=prefs_allsWell) /* screwed up already?!? */
- return err;
- err=OpenPrefsFile(&prefsFileID); /* open prefs file (or create new one) */
- if (err!=prefs_allsWell)
- {
- if ((err==prefs_diskReadErr) || (err==prefs_diskWriteErr) || (err==prefs_virginErr))
- ClosePrefsFile(prefsFileID); /* close & abort if error or if new prefs */
- return err;
- }
- err=CheckVersion(prefsFileID); /* check prefs version */
- if (err!=prefs_allsWell)
- {
- ClosePrefsFile(prefsFileID);
- return err;
- }
- GetFPos(prefsFileID, &gPrefsFilePos);
- gPrefsFilePos-=sizeof(thePrefs);
- do
- {
- gPrefsFilePos+=sizeof(thePrefs);
- err=GetNextPrefs(prefsFileID); /* get prefs struct from file */
- if (err==prefs_noMorePrefsErr) /* or not */
- return (Virgin(prefsFileID)); /* can't find our file ID, it's our first time */
- if (err!=prefs_allsWell) /* any other error, just abort */
- {
- ClosePrefsFile(prefsFileID);
- return err;
- }
- err=CheckFileID(); /* check file ID of current prefs struct */
- }
- while (err==prefs_IDNotMatchErr);
- CopyPrefsToGlobals(); /* copy prefs struct to program globals */
- ClosePrefsFile(prefsFileID); /* close prefs file */
- return prefs_allsWell; /* piece o' cake */
- }
- void PrefsError(enum PrefErrorTypes err)
- {
- Str255 tempStr;
- switch (err)
- {
- case prefs_diskReadErr:
- case prefs_diskWriteErr:
- case prefs_cantCreatePrefsErr:
- case prefs_cantOpenPrefsErr:
- case prefs_versionNotSupportedErr:
- DefaultPrefs(); /* use default prefs if error */
- gCanSavePrefs=FALSE; /* don't bother trying to save prefs later */
- GetIndString(tempStr, 128, err); /* get error string from .rsrc file */
- ParamText(tempStr, "\p", "\p", "\p");
- PositionDialog('ALRT', largeAlert);
- StopAlert(largeAlert, 0L); /* display error alert */
- break;
- default:
- gCanSavePrefs=TRUE; /* can save prefs to disk later if needed */
- break;
- }
- }
- enum PrefErrorTypes OpenPrefsFile(short *prefsFileID)
- {
- short thisFile;
- Boolean newPrefs;
- unsigned char *name=PREFS_FILE_NAME;
- OSErr isHuman;
- short vRefNum;
- long dirID;
- FSSpec prefsFile;
- newPrefs=FALSE;
- /* find vRefNum and dirID of preferences folder, creating it if necessary */
- isHuman=FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, 'pref', kCreateFolder, &vRefNum, &dirID);
- if (isHuman!=noErr) /* screwed up already?!? */
- return prefs_cantOpenPrefsErr;
- isHuman=FSMakeFSSpec(vRefNum, dirID, name, &prefsFile); /* make FSSpec out of it */
- if (isHuman!=noErr)
- {
- if (isHuman==fnfErr) /* FSSpec is valid, but prefs file does not exist */
- {
- isHuman=FSpCreate(&prefsFile, CREATOR, PREFS_TYPE, 0); /* so create it */
- if (isHuman!=noErr) /* or not */
- return prefs_cantCreatePrefsErr;
- newPrefs=TRUE; /* signal that prefs file is new */
- }
- else return prefs_cantOpenPrefsErr;
- }
- isHuman=FSpOpenDF(&prefsFile, fsRdWrPerm, &thisFile); /* open prefs file */
- *prefsFileID=thisFile; /* store file reference number */
- if (isHuman!=noErr)
- return prefs_cantOpenPrefsErr;
- if (newPrefs)
- return SetupNewPrefsFile(*prefsFileID); /* needs initial setup if new */
- return prefs_allsWell;
- }
- enum PrefErrorTypes SetupNewPrefsFile(short prefsFileID)
- /* this writes the prefs version number to the newly created prefs file, so we can
- tell if the prefs file was created by a later version of the program and is
- therefore in a format that we don't support -- forward compatability! what
- a concept! */
- {
- long count;
- short temp;
- gPrefsFilePos=2L;
- if (SetEOF(prefsFileID, 2L)!=noErr) /* set length of prefs file to 2 */
- return prefs_diskWriteErr;
- SetFPos(prefsFileID, 1, 0L);
- temp=PREFS_HEADER_VERSION; /* get the prefs version (hardcoded) */
- count=2L;
- if (FSWrite(prefsFileID, &count, &temp)!=noErr) /* write prefs version */
- return prefs_diskWriteErr;
- return Virgin(prefsFileID); /* be gentle; it's our first time */
- }
- void ClosePrefsFile(short prefsFileID)
- {
- FSClose(prefsFileID); /* close file on disk */
- FlushVol(0L, kOnSystemDisk); /* flush volume to write out new info */
- }
- enum PrefErrorTypes GetNextPrefs(short prefsFileID)
- {
- OSErr isHuman;
- long count;
- count=sizeof(thePrefs);
- isHuman=FSRead(prefsFileID, &count, &thePrefs); /* get next prefs struct */
- if (isHuman==eofErr) /* no more left */
- return prefs_noMorePrefsErr;
- if (isHuman!=noErr) /* some other error */
- return prefs_diskReadErr;
- return prefs_allsWell;
- }
- enum PrefErrorTypes SavePrefs(short prefsFileID)
- {
- long oldEOF;
- long count;
- GetEOF(prefsFileID, &oldEOF);
- if (gPrefsFilePos>=oldEOF) /* add new prefs struct onto end of prefs file */
- {
- if (SetEOF(prefsFileID, oldEOF+sizeof(thePrefs))!=noErr)
- return prefs_diskWriteErr;
- }
- SetFPos(prefsFileID, 1, gPrefsFilePos); /* set position inside prefs file */
- count=sizeof(thePrefs);
- /* write prefs struct and return appropriate error code */
- return (FSWrite(prefsFileID, &count, &thePrefs)!=noErr) ?
- prefs_diskWriteErr : prefs_allsWell;
- }
- enum PrefErrorTypes CheckVersion(short prefsFileID)
- {
- OSErr isHuman;
- long count;
- short temp;
- count=2L;
- isHuman=FSRead(prefsFileID, &count, &temp); /* get prefs version */
- if (isHuman!=noErr)
- return prefs_diskReadErr;
- if (temp>PREFS_HEADER_VERSION) /* too new */
- return prefs_versionNotSupportedErr;
- if (temp<PREFS_HEADER_VERSION) /* old; overwrite */
- return SetupNewPrefsFile(prefsFileID);
- return prefs_allsWell;
- }
- enum PrefErrorTypes GetFileID(void)
- {
- ParamBlockRec pb;
- pb.fileParam.ioCompletion=0L;
- pb.fileParam.ioNamePtr=LMGetCurApName();
- pb.fileParam.ioVRefNum=0;
- pb.fileParam.ioFVersNum=0;
- pb.fileParam.ioFDirIndex=0;
- if (PBGetFInfo(&pb, FALSE)!=noErr)
- return prefs_diskReadErr;
- gFileID=pb.fileParam.ioFlNum;
- return prefs_allsWell;
- }
- enum PrefErrorTypes CheckFileID(void)
- {
- /* compare file ID in current prefs struct to application's file ID */
- return (thePrefs.fileID==gFileID) ? prefs_allsWell : prefs_IDNotMatchErr;
- }
- enum PrefErrorTypes Virgin(short prefsFileID)
- {
- enum PrefErrorTypes err;
- DefaultPrefs();
- CopyGlobalsToPrefs();
- err=SavePrefs(prefsFileID);
- if (err!=prefs_allsWell)
- return err;
- GetRegistration();
- CopyGlobalsToPrefs();
- err=SavePrefs(prefsFileID);
- return (err==prefs_allsWell) ? prefs_virginErr : err;
- }
- void DefaultPrefs(void)
- {
- unsigned char *bob="\pBob";
- gMainTopicShowing=gSubTopicShowing=0;
- Mymemcpy((Ptr)gMyName, (Ptr)bob, bob[0]+1);
- gMyOrg[0]=0x00;
- gGrade=1;
- }
- void CopyGlobalsToPrefs(void)
- {
- Mymemset((Ptr)(&thePrefs), 0, sizeof(thePrefs));
- if (gMyName[0]>0x27)
- gMyName[0]=0x27;
- if (gMyOrg[0]>0x27)
- gMyOrg[0]=0x27;
- Mymemcpy((Ptr)thePrefs.regname, (Ptr)gMyName, gMyName[0]+1);
- Mymemcpy((Ptr)thePrefs.regorg, (Ptr)gMyOrg, gMyOrg[0]+1);
- thePrefs.maintopic=gMainTopicShowing;
- thePrefs.subtopic=gSubTopicShowing;
- thePrefs.fileID=gFileID;
- thePrefs.grade=gGrade;
- }
- void CopyPrefsToGlobals(void)
- {
- Mymemcpy((Ptr)gMyName, (Ptr)thePrefs.regname, thePrefs.regname[0]+1);
- Mymemcpy((Ptr)gMyOrg, (Ptr)thePrefs.regorg, thePrefs.regorg[0]+1);
- gMainTopicShowing=thePrefs.maintopic;
- gSubTopicShowing=thePrefs.subtopic;
- gGrade=thePrefs.grade;
- }
- void GetRegistration(void)
- {
- DialogPtr theDlog;
- short itemSelected = 0;
- short newleft;
- short newtop;
- short itemType;
- Handle item;
- Rect box;
- RemoveHilitePatch();
- theDlog = GetNewDialog(131, 0L, (WindowPtr)-1L);
- newleft = qd.screenBits.bounds.left + (((qd.screenBits.bounds.right -
- qd.screenBits.bounds.left) - (theDlog->portRect.right -
- theDlog->portRect.left)) / 2);
- newtop = qd.screenBits.bounds.top + (((qd.screenBits.bounds.bottom -
- qd.screenBits.bounds.top) - (theDlog->portRect.bottom -
- theDlog->portRect.top)) / 2);
- if(newtop < 15)
- newtop = 15;
- GetDItem(theDlog, 1, &itemType, &item, &box);
- InsetRect(&box, -4, -4);
- SetDItem(theDlog, 8, userItem, (Handle)OutlineDefaultButton, &box);
- ParamText(APPLICATION_NAME, "\p", "\p", "\p");
- MoveWindow(theDlog, newleft, newtop, TRUE);
- ShowWindow(theDlog);
- while(itemSelected != 1)
- {
- ModalDialog(0L, &itemSelected);
- }
- GetDItem(theDlog,4,&itemType,&item,&box);
- GetIText(item,gMyName);
- GetDItem(theDlog,5,&itemType,&item,&box);
- GetIText(item,gMyOrg);
- if (gMyName[0]==0x00)
- DefaultPrefs();
- HideWindow(theDlog);
- DisposeDialog(theDlog);
- gIsVirgin=TRUE;
- InstallHilitePatch();
- }